
The Daily WAR (03-16)

Reading between the lines, and thinking outside the box . . .
    The president of Congo and Benedict XVI discussed the need for human rights and the implementation of a security pact in the Great Lakes Region when the African leader visited the Vatican on Thursday.
    Afterward, the Vatican press office reported that "the discussions focused on the political and social situation in the country, with particular reference to the eastern provinces. Other topics of joint interest were also examined, such as the importance of dialogue and collaboration, also in resolving the problem of the restoration of certain properties of the Church which were nationalized several decades ago."
    Members of the Aid Agency for the Oriental Churches were received in an audience by Pope Benedict Thursday morning at the Vatican. At the audience, he stressed the vital role of the Eastern Churches in working for peace and expressed his desire to visit the Holy Land.
    Saying that he shares "their trials and their hopes," the Pope also fervently prayed that he "may be able to visit them in person, just as I pray that certain signs of peace, which I greet with immense hope, may soon be put into effect."
    The Holy See's pavilion at the international exposition on "Water and Sustainable Development," being held in Zaragoza, Spain, is attracting thousands of visitors. The booth offers a reflection on the divine and human dimensions of water.
What "whole burning"?...
    By 1914, Germany had not fought a war in 2 generations. Does that sound like a nation out to conquer the world? In every crisis the Kaiser blundered into, including his foolish "blank cheque" to Austria after Serb assassins murdered the heir to the Austrian throne. The Kaiser backed down or was trying to back away when war erupted.
    Even Churchill, who before 1914 was charging the Kaiser with seeking "the dominion of the world," conceded, "History should ... acquit William II of having plotted and planned the World War."
    Before Britain declared war on him, Hitler never demanded return of any lands lost at Versailles to the West. Why did Hitler not demand these lands back? Because he sought an alliance, or at least friendship, with Great Britain and knew any move on France would mean war with Britain – a war he never wanted.
    If Hitler were out to conquer the world, why did he not build a great fleet? Why did he not demand the French fleet when France surrendered? Why did he build his own Maginot Line, the Western Wall, in the Rhineland, if he meant all along to invade France? If he wanted war with the West, why did he offer peace after Poland and offer to end the war, again, after Dunkirk?
    But for the 6 years before Britain declared war, there was no Holocaust, and for 2 years after the war began, there was no Holocaust. Not until midwinter 1942 was the Wannsee Conference held, where the Final Solution was on the table. The Holocaust was not a cause of the war, but a consequence of the war. No war, no Holocaust.
    The Finance Ministry today said it expected the country's economy to slow considerably in the 2nd quarter. The ministry's monthly report said growth would "very clearly" weaken after GDP surged higher in the 1st quarter.
    Chancellor Merkel on Thursday said that discussion of a "2-speed" Europe was "negligent" but insisted that the EU had to press forward with Lisbon Treaty reforms. Still, no decisions are likely from Brussels at the 2-day summit.
    EU leaders met in Brussels Thursday to discuss how to salvage the Lisbon Treaty. But for French President Nicolas Sarkozy, the Irish "no" vote means a personal setback: It has spoiled his plans for a glamorous French EU presidency.
    The idea that the EU could happily continue on the basis of the Nice Treaty received yesterday a death blow by both Angela Merkel and Nicholas Sarkozy.
    The EU is unlikely to agree concrete solutions to the institutional impasse created by the Irish rejection of the Lisbon Treaty before the end of the year, the bloc's initial discussion on the issue has shown.
    European Union leaders last night gave Ireland just 4 months to produce a way out of the crisis over the Lisbon Treaty. However, the dinner broke up late last night without agreement on the wording of a statement on a way out of the crisis.
    EU leaders have admitted that the Czech Republic may not be able to ratify the Lisbon Treaty. The declaration from their summit in Brussels notes that the Czech process is on hold due to legal difficulties.
    And British PM Gordon Brown said the UK could not definitively ratify it until a court ruled on a legal challenge. The treaty passed through British parliament this week, but has still to complete formal ratification.
    If the Irish were wondering whether they made the right decision by voting against the Lisbon Treaty, the reaction of the European political class confirms that they made the right call. The Brussels response is simply to pretend that it never happened. Like people who have been brainwashed, they all say exactly the same thing.
    Sooner or later this structure is going to buckle under the ever-heavier load. If we carry on like this the madmen in charge are going to blow the EU to bits.
German press
    The European Parliament has approved new measures for handling illegal immigrants in the European Union. But does it make the EU more humane? German commentators aren't sure.
    A Russian military expert forecasts war between Georgia and Abkhazia in September unless the provocations are stopped. "The provocations in the conflict region may turn into a war."
    In an interview with Spiegel Online, Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Olmert discusses Jerusalem's peace talks with Syria, the cease-fire with Hamas, his prospects for political survival and explains why Israel cannot be expected to live under the threat of a nuclear Iran.
    Israel offered on Wednesday to start direct peace talks with Lebanon, saying all issues would be negotiable, including a tiny, disputed piece of Israeli-held land on the countries' border.
    Israeli defense minister Barak said that while there were great strategic advantages to keeping the Golan, Israel was "ready to consider putting an end" to its occupation of the territory. "At the right time, if the negotiations succeed, we will be ready to take difficult decisions."
    Benjamin Netanyahu harshly criticized the government decision to declare a temporary ceasefire with Hamas Thursday, saying it in fact agreed to allow the militant group to rearm.
    "I would like to know, what did we achieve here exactly? Hamas will not stop rearming – (Hamas politburo chief) Khaled Mashaal said they wouldn't and the defense establishment already said the truce will be fragile. We didn't get Gilad back. We got nothing. The government is allowing Hamas to go about rearming before the next round of terror attacks."
    Operation Enduring Freedom is the official label for the US military invasion and occupation of Afghanistan. Freedom is in big trouble in Afghanistan, but let's think positive, prospects for a natural gas pipeline might be better.
    Operation Enduring Freedom? With John McCain and Barack Obama now arguing about widening the Afghanistan war and invading Pakistan, the TAPI natural gas pipeline has a better chance than freedom ever had.
    It would be an American-controlled cash cow that would hurt Iran. All the US needs to do is pacify Afghanistan with more troops (to safeguard TAPI) and balkanize Pakistan (to stymie IPI) while widening the war and antagonizing India.
    Freedom be damned. Freedom was never an option anyhow, especially when there's money to be made by endless war.
    Five years after the Darfur conflict began, the nature of violence across this vast desert region has changed dramatically, from a mostly one-sided government campaign against civilians to a complex free-for-all that is jeopardizing an effective relief mission to more than 2.5 million displaced and vulnerable people.
    President Ahmadinejad on Thursday accused the US of plotting to kidnap and assassinate him during a visit earlier this year to Iraq, state media reported. He told a meeting of clerics that Iran's "enemies" planned to kill him when he went to Baghdad in March.
    Ahmadinejad said the plot was never carried out because of of "intentional" last-minute changes in his schedule during the visit, the Web site said. He said the conspirators learned about the changes too late, when he had departed Iraq.
    Britain's drive for tighter EU sanctions against Iran slowed Thursday with European diplomats saying soaring food and fuel prices make a decision targeting the Iranian oil sector unlikely for months.
    The problem the Europeans face is what steps to take and when. Hitting Iran's oil and gas sector could further push up energy prices.
    The Iranian government is seeking to delay its response to the latest demands that it suspend its uranium enrichment operations in the face of threats of new EU economic sanctions and more talk of unilateral US or Israeli air strikes.
    There is no question that a deranged right-wing constituency exists within Israel for utilising its nuclear arsenal to slaughter millions of Iranians and reduce the country to rubble. In April, Israel's National Infrastructure Minister said a war with Iran would result in "the destruction of the Iranian nation".
    Der Spiegel cited this week the recent remarks of Israeli historian Benny Morris, who declared: "If the issue is whether Israel or Iran should perish, then Iran should perish".
    An Israeli air force drill which appeared to be a rehearsal for a potential attack on Iran's nuclear facilities was intended as a deliberate flexing of muscles, military officials said today.
    More than 100 Israeli F-16 and F-15 fighter jets took part in manoeuvres over the eastern Mediterranean and Greece in the first week of June to gear the military for long-range strikes and demonstrate Israel's serious concern over Iran's nuclear ambitions.
    An Israeli political official who is familiar with the drill said that the Iranians should "read the writing on the wall." "This was a dress rehearsal, and the Iranians should read the script before they continue with their programme for nuclear weapons. If diplomacy does not yield results, Israel will take military steps to halt Tehran's production of bomb-grade uranium."
    Unlike the attack on Iraq 5 years ago, to deal with Iran there need be no massing of troops. And, with the propaganda buildup already well under way, there need be little, if any, forewarning before shock and awe and pox – in the form of air and missile attacks – begin.
    This time it will be largely the Air Force's show, punctuated by missile and air strikes by the Navy. Israeli-American agreement has now been reached at the highest level; the armed forces planners, plotters and pilots are working out the details.
    Russia's foreign minister today warned against the use of force on Iran, saying there is no proof it is trying to build nuclear weapons.
    He made the statement when asked to comment on an Israeli Cabinet member's statement earlier this month that Israel could attack Iran if it does not halt its nuclear program. "I hope the actual actions would be based on international law. And international law clearly protects Iran's and anyone else's territorial integrity
    Increasingly military analysts are warning of severe consequences if the US begins a shooting war with Iran. While Iranian forces are no match for American technology on a conventional battlefield, Iran has shown that it can bite back in unconventional ways.
    "If you attack Iran you are unleashing a firestorm of reaction internally that will only strengthen revolutionary forces, and externally in the region. It's a nightmare scenario for any contingency planner, and I think you really enter the twilight zone if you strike Iran."
    Iran would respond to an Israeli attack on nuclear facilities with a "heavy blow," a senior cleric said. Ayatollah Khatami, leading Friday prayers in Tehran, said that Iran favored dialogue and would resist "mischievous acts."
    Such an attack would prompt an "uproar on the part of our nation." "If enemies, especially Israelis and their US supporters, wish to speak in the language of force, they should rest assured they will be dealt a heavy blow on the face by the Iranian nation."
    The halls of Congress are virtually silent, this election year, as a war the American people oppose continues and threatens to spread.
    The Democrats have struck a deal with the White House, essentially giving Bush everything he wanted in terms of more money for his war, and more authority to conduct it as he sees fit, in return for increased social welfare spending.
    Vice President Cheney has won his battle to withhold records from the public despite efforts by Congress and other critics who say they should be open to scrutiny. The Democrats are conceding defeat. The party's top investigator in the House of Representatives acknowledges that there is nothing more he can do to force the vice president's hand.
    Cheney argues that, as the tie-breaking vote in the Senate, he is not exclusively part of the executive branch and therefore not subject to the public-records standards that have been applied to past administrations.
    Congressional probes, sometimes ignored by the Justice Department, have led nowhere, and prominent lawmakers are throwing their hands in the air.
    Independent presidential candidate Ralph Nader discusses his independent run for the White House, the media blackout of third party candidates, and his stance on the Iraq war, the military-industrial complex, the global food crisis, the Israeli-Palestinian conflict and more.
    I've been watching the media for the last 2 weeks, paying close attention to the coverage of the flooding in Iowa.
    While I am certain that there has been quite a bit of local 24/7 coverage of circumstances; there doesn't seem to be any news teams from CNN, MSNBC or Fox News camped out on freeway overpasses or in overcrowded relief centers feeding us a constant mix of video of people looting stores for clothing, liquor and home electronics; overlaid with interviews from local political officials demanding to know when the president is going to show up personally and start delivering relief to these poor, huddled masses displaced by this disaster.
    A police helicopter crew gave chase to a UFO after it almost collided with their aircraft near a military base. The pilot was forced to bank sharply to avoid being hit by the mystery aircraft as the helicopter was returning to the Ministry of Defence base of St Athan, near Cardiff.
    The crew of 3, who described the UFO as 'flying saucer-shaped', then gave chase, getting as far as the North Devon coast before they ran low on fuel.
    Oil prices have edged up as doubts have crept in over whether a fuel price rise in China will reduce demand. US sweet, light crude rose to $132.66 a barrel, while London Brent rose to $132.95.
(Cartoon: Just too easy)
    OPEC's president said today it was illogical and irrational to ask the oil cartel to increase output so as to take the pressure off soaring prices. "To ask the oil producers to increase their output is illogical and irrational."
    Four major US, British and French oil companies are getting their hands on the petroleum reserves of Iraq for the first time in 36 years, based on no-bid contracts. These deals reached with the US-backed regime in Baghdad have placed the 5-year-old US war of aggression in the clearest possible perspective.
    Droughts will get drier, storms will get stormier and floods will get deeper with a warming climate across North America, US government experts said in a report billed as the first continental assessment of extreme events. Events that have seemed relatively rare will become commonplace.
[Latest edition of The Religion WAR]
    The June solstice happens today at 11:59 p.m. Universal Time and 6:59 p.m. Central Time. No world body has designated an official day to start each new season, and yet today is widely recognized as the beginning of summer in the northern hemisphere and beginning of winter on the southern half of Earth's globe.
    The summer solstice arrives today, and it's a funny mixture of natural events and government rulings. The sun hovers straight up as seen from the empty ocean north of Hawaii -- its brief annual visit to the legendary Tropic of Cancer.
    It's widely misunderstood where in the heavens the sun sits at the time of the solstice. Traditionally it was the zodiacal sign of Cancer, hence Tropic of Cancer as the earthly place where the midday solstitial sun stands straight overhead.
    But despite the lingering name, the solstitial sun drifted out of Cancer 2,000 years ago. In 1990 that highest-of-the-year position crossed over yet again, this time from Gemini to Taurus.
    [WAR: The same phenomenon that caused the sun to drift out of Cancer at the summer solstice, is the same one that has caused the appointed times to be missed by the vast majority of people that attempt to observe them.
    The "precession of the equinoxes" is an astronomical law that is never taken into account when it comes to determing what time it really is when it comes to figuring out when the holy days are. People are using astrology (signs), rather than astronomy (constellations).]

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