
The Daily WAR (07-07)

Reading between the lines, and thinking outside the box . . .
    The Russian president, Dmitry Medvedev, has called on European leaders to create a new world order that minimises the role of the US.
    There is no EU treasury or debt union to back up the single currency. The ECB is not allowed to launch bail-outs by EU law. Each country must save its own skin, yet none has full control of the policy instruments.
    Germany has vetoed French and Italian ideas for an EU lifeboat fund. The former knows exactly where that leads. It is a Trojan horse that will be used one day to co-opt German taxpayers into rescues for less Teutonic EMU kin.
    One can sympathise with Berlin. But sharing debts with Italy and Spain was implicit when they agreed to launch the euro. A shared currency entails obligations.
    We have reached the watershed moment when Germany has to decide whether to put its full sovereign weight behind the EMU project or reveal that it is not prepared to do so in a crisis.
    This is a very dangerous set of circumstances for monetary union. Will we still have a 15-member euro by Christmas? [I seriously doubt it!]
Falling 401(k)s (cartoons)
[Latest edition of The Religion WAR]
    The Jewish Day of Atonement, Yom Kippur which is observed today, is a time of "purging and repentance" said a Tyler rabbi. "Yom Kippur is the day of days, the Sabbath of Sabbaths." Yom Kippur officially began at sundown on Wednesday and continues all day today.
    [WAR: Well, as usual, they're too early -- 3 days too early!]
This day (07-07) in history?
    [WAR: I was in such a hurry to get the WAR sent out early on the morning of the Feast of Trumpets (last "Friday"), that I forgot to mention the daily count I've been keeping track of for the last 9 months: Yahshua's gestation period -- from the 24th day of the 9th month (Hag 2:18) until the 1st day of the 7th month (Rev 12:1).
    On Trumpets (Yahshua's birthday), it was the 274th day of gestation. So his gestation was exactly 39 weeks long, being born on the 1st day of the 40th week -- right in the middle of the 37-42 week average.
    I don't know the ramifications of this info yet -- it's just raw data. But is there some kind of prophetic time-link? Just don't know yet...]
    [WAR: Soon after I typed the previous, a thought came to mind: What if Trumpets is not the day of Yahshua's birth? After all, in Rev 12:1,2 it says that the woman (Virgo) was "clothed with the Sun, with the Moon under her feet" (night before Trumpets) and "ABOUT to give birth."
    So what if the birth is very soon after Trumpets -- say on the 7th day of the 7th month (07-07)? (And hey, could he have been born in 7 B.C. ... "07-07-07"?!) If he was born on the 7th, it would also mean that he was born on the 280th day after conception -- exactly 40 weeks. And if he was born on the 7th day, then that would mean that he was given (Exo 22:29,30) to the Father and circumcised (Lev 12:3) on the 1st day of the Feast of Tabernacles.
    Or ... could he have been born on the 1st day of the FOT, and given/circumcised on the Last Great Day?
    Or ... is it really on the day of the Feast of Trumpets after all -- because the night before (when you could see the crescent moon under Virgo's feet) she was "about" to give birth (the next day)
    Any thoughts/comments? ...]
This day (07-07) in prophecy?
    [WAR: Okay, since I'm on a roll, let me speculate on Yahshua's return ... According to the Catholic Church, this is the year 2008. But according to the Ethiopian Orthodox Church, it is 2001 (started in September). This would leave open the possibility that Yahshua's return could be on "07-07-07"!
    But, you protest: "No man knows the day or the hour!" That's correct!! No man will know because no one will know what the time really is at that point in time because "the sun will be darkened, and the moon will not give its light; the stars will fall from the sky, and the heavenly bodies will be shaken." (Mat 24:29)
    But what if the Ethiopians are off by 1 year and we are really in 2002 (started this previous 1st month)? And if Yahshua returns in 5 years, then that means that Jacob's Trouble (Tribulation) would start during, or soon after, next year's Feast. (But that doesn't mean it's going to be smooth sailing between now and then!)
    How do I come up with this time frame? Since the resurrection will be on the Day of Pentecost (I've covered the reasons for this before), then all we have to do is back-track 3 1/2 years -- which puts it around next year's FOT ... or soon after, during the winter -- since I doubt anyone is really following Yahshua's advice/command to "pray that your flight will not take place in winter." (Mat 24:20)]

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