
The Daily WAR (07-17)

Reading between the lines, and thinking outside the box . . .
    The spiritual leader of the world's Orthodox Christians prayed with Pope Benedict XVI in the Sistine Chapel on Saturday and urged Catholics and Orthodox to work together to combat fundamentalism and to promote religious tolerance.
    Benedict praised his guest, Patriarch Bartholomew I, on the occasion of an Orthodox leader's first service in the chapel.
    They are eager to bridge a nearly millennium-long schism between the 2 churches, and see moral and social issues — including fundamentalism, religious intolerance, abortion, euthanasia and environmental degradation — as fertile ground for common initiatives.
    A Vatican cardinal said Pope Benedict XVI would not travel to Israel so long as Yad Vashem continues to display an inscription by the image of Pope Pius XII asserting that the latter failed to raise his voice against the extermination of Europe's Jews during the Holocaust.
    The statement, which was quoted extensively by the Italian media on Saturday, has since been rejected by the Vatican.
    But now the words of Christ reveal a kingdom of God that is in this world but that is not of this world, that travels on a different wavelength and that, for this reason, can coexist with every other political regime, whether it be sacral or secular.
    Here we see 2 qualitatively different sovereignties of God over the world: the spiritual sovereignty that constitutes the Kingdom of God and that is exercised directly in Christ, and the temporal and political sovereignty that God exercises indirectly, entrusting it to man's free choice and the play of secondary causes.
     The trade show offering luxury goods for the ultra-rich opened with few in attendance amid the global financial meltdown.
    Foreign Minister Steinmeier won his party's support on Saturday to face Chancellor Merkel in 2009 elections, saying Social Democrats could best curb excesses behind the financial crisis.
    In a fiery speech to an SPD congress where 95% delegates crowned him as their chancellor candidate, Steinmeier tried to link Merkel's conservatives to turmoil that compelled Berlin to launch a 500 billion euro rescue for its banks.
    "This upheaval we're going through is the biggest change since the Berlin Wall fell. The rule of the free-market radicals that started with Margaret Thatcher and Ronald Reagan has ended with a big bang."
    Seeking to keep the biggest German peacekeeping mission from becoming an election issue next year, Chancellor Merkel's coalition government won overwhelming approval from Parliament to send an extra 1,000 troops to Afghanistan over the next 14 months.
    Germany will eventually have 4,500 troops in the country, the 3rd-largest contingent after the US and UK.
    But since Germany agreed to take over a special reaction force that will provide emergency assistance to its allies, its troops could be exposed to combat operations, something not envisioned in the parliamentary mandate.
    Stalin was "prepared to move more than a million Soviet troops to the German border to deter Hitler's aggression just before the Second World War."
    Papers which were kept secret for almost 70 years show that the Soviet Union proposed sending a powerful military force in an effort to entice Britain and France into an anti-Nazi alliance.
    Such an agreement could have changed the course of 20th century history, preventing Hitler's pact with Stalin which gave him free rein to go to war with Germany's other neighbours.
    But the British and French side did not respond to the Soviet offer, made on August 15, 1939. Instead, Stalin turned to Germany, signing the notorious non-aggression treaty with Hitler barely a week later.
    The financial crisis is still high on the agenda.
    Britain's "Flash Gordon" and France's "Super Sarko" fight over who will be remembered for leading the world out of the financial crisis. EU Commission President Barroso and Chancellor Merkel also want their share of credit. Whether real progress is being made is anyone's guess.
    President Sarkozy of France travels to Camp David for a summit with George Bush today determined to take advantage of what he sees as Europe's leadership over the financial crisis.
    Sarkozy has told close advisers and ministers that he is going to move fast, on behalf of Europe, to recast the rules of international finance. "He is not going to let the Americans get in his way," said one of his team.
    At the same time he appears to be engaged in an unseemly scramble for the credit for co-ordinating Europe's response, telling allies that the EU is "lucky" France currently holds the presidency.
    "I have been the incarnation of this European will to act together. ... Without me, Europe would have been in a mess. Luckily I have been President of the Union at this time."
    With capitalism near the rocks -- at least in a widespread French view -- it seemed a good time to check in with France's leading advocate of old-style revolution.
    Olivier Besancenot, the popular young Trotskyite and former presidential candidate, has been in the news this week. In France, with its historic love of insurrection, he is a star. He and his fans believe that his time has come.
    NATO, an organization not only out dated but without official purpose has not only out lived its enemy, the Warsaw Pact, not only out lived its purpose in defending Western Europe from the Soviet Union and the Warsaw Pact but like a ravenous blob, has, instead of dieing a dignified death, gone on an eating spree swallowing up one nation after another in it's "pact of peace and defense" while launching three wars of aggression.
    American politicians believe that the ability of the Russian Prime Minister Vladimir Putin to establish a personal contact with partners guarantees success at the talks on the shipments of energy resources from Central Asia.
    Israeli leaders are seriously considering a dormant Saudi plan offering a comprehensive peace between Israel and the Arab world in exchange for lands captured during the 1967 war, Defense Minister Ehud Barak said today.
    Barak said it may be time to pursue an overall peace deal for the region since individual negotiations with Syria and the Palestinians have made little progress. The 22-member Arab League endorsed the plan last year.
    A Kuwaiti newspaper says Palestinian leader Abbas delivered secret letter from President Bush to Syrian counterpart Assad, offering "a quick and satisfactory solution" to Golan Heights issue in return for complete disbandment of Syrian-Iranian alliance.
    "In the letter, Bush suggested finalizing the agreement within several weeks, before the US presidential elections."
    The same source added that the delegation accompanying Abbas on his visit to Syria "was unaware of the letter or its details, and the US insisted that this be carried out secretly and far away from the official channels."
    Europe has showed greater willingness in recent months to play a larger part in the Middle East's most protracted conflict, that of Israel and Palestine. But willingness doesn't necessarily indicate readiness.
    The Pakistani army is locked in a fierce battle to stop fuel and arms supply routes to British and American forces in Afghanistan falling under Taliban control.
    China is to strengthen its influence over Pakistan by using its enormous financial reserves to help the country stave off bankruptcy. Beijing, which has already made billion dollar investments in Pakistan, will use 'bail-out diplomacy' to further enhance its burgeoning power in the geo-strategically sensitive region.
    China has long been one of Pakistan's closest political and economic partners, with Beijing looking to Islamabad as a counterbalance to its regional rival India.
    China has begun a multi-billion-pound scheme in the far-Western province of Xinjiang to build roads and railways that will open up Central Asia. By the end of this year, nine railway lines will be under construction, including a railway from China to Pakistan and a rail link through Kyrgyzstan and Uzbekistan.
    The move will connect Xinjiang to railway lines as far off as Moscow and Tehran and a direct route is also being planned over through the Hindu Kush into Kabul. The move will open up Central Asia to Chinese goods and companies, and will serve as conduits for oil and petrol to be brought back.
    China's determination to colonise its far-West and extend its influence into Central Asia began with an extraordinary road through one of the most inhospitable deserts in the world.
    North Korean diplomats abroad have been ordered to stay close to their embassies and await an "important announcement," according to a Japanese newspaper.
    The news has prompted speculation that North Korea's officials are to be informed that "Dear Leader" Kim Jong-il has died or that Pyongyang is carrying out its threat to sever all ties with South Korea.
    "Iran expects Russia to honor its commitments and complete the construction of the nuclear reactor in Bushehr in accordance with the agreed-upon schedule," Iranian Atomic Energy Organization deputy chief said.
    If Moscow upholds its obligations according to the timetable we agreed on, and there are no technical difficulties, then the work on the nuclear reactor in Bushehr will be over by the end of the Iranian year (March 20, 2009).
    In efforts to tighten sanctions against Iran, the German government is trying to convince banking, insurance and energy companies to break ties with Teheran, according to a German magazine report. Germany has maintained economic ties with Iran and as one of its largest European trading partners
    A number of prominent American Christians are joining forces with Jewish efforts to indict President Ahmadinejad on charges of incitement to genocide.
    According to "a senior Pentagon official," President Bush gave the Israeli government in July the "amber light" for future military strike on Iranian nuclear facilities. "Amber means get on with your preparations, stand by for immediate attack and tell us when you're ready."
    Might the "amber light" turn green? Yes, "if negotiations with Tehran break down."
    Barack Obama is a Muslim of Kenyan origins who studied in Islamic schools and whose campaign may have been financed by people in the Islamic and African worlds, Libyan leader Muammar Gadhafi said during a recent televised national rally.
    "There are elections in America now. Along came a black citizen of Kenyan African origins, a Muslim, who had studied in an Islamic school in Indonesia. His name is Obama."
    Denver Roman Catholic Archbishop Chaput labeled Barack Obama the "most committed" abortion-rights candidate from a major party in 35 years while accusing a Catholic Obama ally and other Democratic-friendly Catholic groups of doing a "disservice to the church."
    His comments were among the sharpest in a debate over abortion and Catholic political responsibility in a campaign in which Catholics represent a key swing vote.
    Saturday accused Democratic rival Barack Obama of favoring a socialistic economic approach by supporting tax cuts and tax credits McCain says would merely shuffle wealth rather than creating it. "At least in Europe, the Socialist leaders who so admire my opponent are upfront about their objectives."
    The global financial crisis has also started to hit countries once thought to be immune from it, like China, Russia and the Gulf States. The IMF believes the worst is yet to come.
    Expect another round of losses after this round wears off, Taxpayers to get a good fleecing, Paulson was lying all along about economy fundamentals, We are sliding towards a global economic depression, Paulson bialout plan was just a plundering and extortion of taxpayers to benefit bankster fraudsters...
    Financial institutions ran to their lender of last resort for record amounts of cash in the latest week. "The banking system is going to become addicted to this very cheap money. Unwinding it will be very difficult."
    Even as the US government moves to plug holes in American banks, new gaps keep appearing. The banking industry passed a grim milestone: All of the combined profits that major US banks earned in recent years have vanished.
    The problems that began with home mortgages, analysts say, are migrating to auto, credit card and commercial real estate loans.
    The deepening red ink underscores a crucial question about the US government's plan: Will lenders deploy their new-found capital quickly, as the Treasury hopes, and unlock the flow of credit through the economy? Or will they hoard the money to protect themselves?
    Germany and France on Friday gave final approval to their costly bank rescue packages, but many beleaguered European banks were in no hurry to sign up for the government bailouts.
    Despite the new legislation, there were few signs that continental European governments were planning to force banks into a state recapitalization, as was the case in the US and UK over the past week.
    In Germany, no bank has asked for cash in any form, nor has the finance minister insisted that they take it, said one bank lobbyist, who requested anonymity because the details were not final.
    But the plan has clearly led German banks to consider all their options, since their British and American counterparts are getting state money to improve their capital position.
    The idea is ambitious: World leaders joined by aides to the new US president-elect would gather before the year's end in New York and attempt to forge a new vision for the global economy.
    President Sarkozy has teamed up with Prime Minister Brown to press for such a summit.
    Brown, buoyed by the praise he won for engineering a British bank bailout that inspired US and European rescues, is proposing "radical changes" to the global capitalist system, including a cross-border mechanism to monitor the world's 30 biggest financial institutions.
    Sarkozy has floated the idea of reforming rating agencies and even exploring the future of currency systems. Details remain vague and the obstacles are many.
    America's de facto Finance Czar, US Treasury Secretary Henry Paulson has reached for the panic button and made a dramatic 180-degree reversal of his financial bailout plan passed only days before. What happened to cause that sudden reverse is what interests us here.
    President Bush will host a global summit of world leaders in the near future to discuss the worldwide economic crisis and find ways of preventing a repetition of the recent financial meltdown.
    The announcement came as Bush met with President Sarkozy and EU President Barroso at his Camp David presidential retreat. Sarkozy put intense pressure on Bush to agree to substantive talks before the end of the year after securing the agreement earlier on Saturday from the UN Secretary General to host a summit of G8 leaders next month.
    The French president arrived at the American presidential retreat, brandishing a set of proposals agreed to by European countries to "re-found the capitalist system".
    But Bush made clear he does not envisage a sweeping overhaul of the capitalists system as many in Europe have advocated.
    By contrast, Sarkozy stressed the need to punish the Wall Street financiers whose "hateful practises" he condemned.
    [WAR: Is this article, and the next one, linked? Is the US using this sex scandal to trip up Sarkozy's economic plans/solutions in order to protect US interests? Is DSK being taken out in this economic war? Is the B16 Catholic?!!]
    A one-night stand has endangered the stellar career of the French head of the International Monetary Fund and dismayed President Sarkozy as he seeks to put a French stamp on a new world financial order.
    The news that Dominique Strauss-Kahn is being investigated in Washington over a fling with a former subordinate has unsettled Sarkozy because he has mounted an effective double act with him in the effort to manage the financial crisis.
    Sarkozy has teamed up with "DSK", a political opponent whom he sent to Washington, in an attempt to shape a new "Bretton Woods" pact on financial regulation.
    Financial workers at Wall Street's top banks are to receive pay deals worth more than $70bn (10% of bailout package!), a substantial proportion of which is expected to be paid in discretionary bonuses, for their work so far this year.
    In the doomsday scenario raising anxiety around the Motor City, General Motors Corp. makes a deal for Chrysler LLC, keeps Jeep and the minivans, and vaporizes the rest of the company.
    Tens of thousands of Chrysler's 66,409 employees lose their jobs as cash-desperate GM swiftly cuts redundant operations and sheds unprofitable models.
    Factories and dealerships are closed, and the lights go out at Chrysler's gleaming corporate headquarters.
    Ailing department store chain Mervyn's, which had been operating for almost 5 decades, has become the latest merchant headed for extinction. The retailer, which filed for Chapter 11 bankruptcy protection in July, said Friday that it plans to begin liquidation sales at its remaining 149 stores and wind down its business.
    Linens 'n Things will close all 317 of its remaining stores in 48 states after finishing going-out-of-business sales.
    Industrial and manufacturing firms in the US and Europe are sharply curtailing production and laying off workers as world economic growth stalls.
    Layoffs and plant closings, combined with a series of economic reports released in recent days, indicate that the US and European economies are in a significantly worse state than economists had previously believed.
    The sharp decline in energy prices has huge economic and diplomatic implications. It is important that such shifts do not destabilise the global economy further.
    Americans are beginning to awaken to the fact that they face annihilation by a weapon of mass destruction. It's not nuclear. It's not chemical. And it's not biological. It's financial. It's the debt bomb. Debt is the root of the economic crisis America – and, indeed, the whole world – faces.
    Debt is literally a killer. It destroys individuals, families and nations. It always has. That's why God gave us a prescription for dealing with it. If we're willing to forgive some debt by individuals and institutions, maybe it's time to look at forgiveness of all debt.
    That's what the doctor – the Great Physician – prescribed in Leviticus 25. It was the Jubilee system. Every 50 years, debts were wiped out, forgiven, there was a fresh start.
[Latest edition of The Religion WAR]
    Conversion of the Worldwide Church of God to mainstream Protestantism in the 1990s was a huge shock for tens of thousands of Christians who remain faithful to the Sabbatarian faith of the apostolic church.
    The theology embraced by the new leadership of the WCG is called evangelical Protestantism. To this day few know what really was involved.
    Some of us are still scratching our heads wondering what that was all about. In this month's installment we talk about Evangelicalism and its theology that drew the WCG back to mainstream Protestantism. It is a strange story indeed, little understood outside the world of scholarly research.
    "The water receded steadily from the earth. At the end of 150 days the water had gone down, and on the 17th day of the 7th month the ark came to rest on the mountains of Ararat." (Gen 8:3,4)
    [WAR: Well, once again -- 2nd year in a row -- the calendar I've been using/proposing has been confirmed by the chronology of the Flood. Just like last year, I've been keeping track of the days of the flood and the 150th day has fallen on the 17th day of the 7th month. No other moon-based calendar in existence can claim this distinction. But using the stars, instead of the Sun, as the regulator of the Moon's cycle makes all the difference.]
Speakin' of calendars...
Gregorian Calendar challenge
    [WAR: On Friday morning, I went before a Cochise County judge in Bisbee to have her rule on my petition to change my date of birth on my birth certificate. But she said that she didn't have the legal authority to do this -- because the law specifies name changes, but not date changes (except for infants, in rare circumstances).
    So now I'm going to take it to the federal level -- whether through a petition or a provocation...]

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