
The Daily WAR (08-02)

Reading between the lines, and thinking outside the box . . .
    Though many want the Vatican Secret Archives from the pontificate of Pius XII to reveal that Pope's efforts to save Jews, a Vatican spokesman says the documents could not be opened for another 6 of 7 years.
    He affirmed this in a note Thursday explaining that the 16 million documents from the 1939-1958 pontificate, with current resources, would take more than a half decade to catalogue.
    Benedict XVI is advocating a safer situation for Christians in the Middle East and a "rapid and just" solution for the Palestinian question.
The Whore is wrong!...
    There is no opposition between faith's and science's views of creation, Benedict XVI says. He recalled how his predecessors, Popes Pius XII and John Paul II noted "that there is no opposition between faith's understanding of creation and the evidence of the empirical sciences."
    He noted that the existence of beings capable of God points to the existence of the "intellective soul of a free transcendent subject." Thus, he said, the Church has constantly affirmed that the immortal soul is created by God, not produced by parents.
    [WAR: Immortal soul? Puh-leaze!
    "For you, O YAHWEH, have delivered my soul from death" (Psa 116:8).
    "Punish him with the rod and save his soul from death." (Pro 23:14)
    "The soul who sins is the one who will die." (Eze 18:4,20)
    For more info, check out: "Do We Have an Immortal Soul?"]
The Whore is right!...
    The current global financial crisis goes beyond bad economic practices to the realm of ethics and moral codes, says the Holy See representative at the United Nations.
    He said the Holy See agrees that the crisis "can be attributed to a lack of a complete and effective regulatory system."
    "The real crisis does not appear to be merely financial, economic and technical. Rather, it extends to the broader realm of ethical codes and moral conduct. Unbridled profiteering and the unscrupulous pursuit of gain at any cost have made people forget basic rules of business ethics."
    Social Democrats moved a step closer Saturday to ousting Chancellor Merkel's Christian Democrats in the state of Hesse and forming a government with the help of a far-left party.
    A victory would also likely strain the chancellor's federal coalition with the SPD.
    Chancellor Merkel has announced plans to boost investment by $39 billion in Europe's biggest economy.
    Go into any high street bookshop in Britain and the European history section will groan under the weight of books about the Nazi era. Most of the time you will look in vain for something on Bismarck or Brandt.
    So how should we see modern Germany and how do the Germans see themselves?
    Has Germany replaced France as America's awkward ally?
    On Russia, Iran and Afghanistan—trouble-spots that matter to both countries — Germany's position is annoying Washington.
    Germany has been the leading Western sceptic in toughening economic sanctions on Iran, and is the biggest Western exporter to Iran.
    In a memorandum to the new American president, the American Institute for Contemporary German Studies, a think-tank, gives warning that Germany and America may "clash" over Iran and that differences over Russia could harm the relationship "severely."
    Former German Chancellor Gerhard Schröder never got invited to Buckingham Palace, but on Thursday Angela Merkel did.
    The rare date with the Queen came as Merkel was in London to discuss the financial crisis with Gordon Brown.
    What most people wanted to know on Thursday was what Merkel discussed with Queen Elizabeth II.
    Europe's attention will be focused on the US elections this Wednesday. Two days after the election of the new US president, EU leaders will hold an extraordinary meeting on Friday.
    Summoned by the French president, Nicolas Sarkozy, who chairs the bloc's rotating presidency, the heads of state and government are to formulate a common position ahead of the G20 summit scheduled a week later in Washington to address the financial crisis and its effects on the world economy.
    Peace depends less on Israel's choice of prime minister than on the actions of America's next president.
    Syria has denounced a US strike on its territory but sources say Damascus secretly backed the raid.
    Apparently "the law" and the concept of "sovereignty" don't apply to Syria and Pakistan -- independent countries that Bush's military forces have recently attacked, killing scores of Pakistanis and Syrians.
    Not only is Bush's violation of the sovereignty of those nations as illegal as when he violated Iraqi sovereignty with his initial invasion, his self-defense justification is as faulty and fallacious as an armed robber's claim that he was defending himself from his victim's attempt to defend himself.
     A tribal elder of Pakistan People's Party in North Waziristan has asked the US to stop incursions in the agency, saying no more drone missile attacks will be tolerated.
    An expanded US military involvement awaits a new US president in Afghanistan where the unfinished business of September 11 has flared over the past 3 years into a major insurgency.
    A raft of assessments and reviews now underway in Washington point to a fundamental rethinking of the Afghan war.
    What do Arabs and Muslims in the Middle East think of the US candidates?
    Japan's defence minister has dismissed his air force chief for claiming that the country was not an "aggressor" in WW2 and was trapped into entering the conflict by the US.
    He stated that Japan was "snared in a trap that was very carefully laid by the United States in order to draw Japan into a war."
    "Roosevelt had become president on his public pledge not to go to war, so in order to start a war between the United States and Japan, it had to appear that Japan took the first shot. Japan was caught in Roosevelt's trap and carried out the attack on Pearl Harbor."
    President Ahmadinejad said that the world's "bullying powers" are hated globally and are near collapse.
    "All nations are looking for a new way as they lost their hope on big powers. [The present situation] is a great chance to introduce pure Islamic thoughts and ideals as well as Iran's Islamic Revolution."
    To many in Israel, the situation is reminiscent of 1981, when the Jewish state acted on its own in bombing the Osirak reactor in Iraq, and last year, when it launched a unilateral strike on a suspected nuclear site in Syria.
    A wild card in the equation is Israel's own political situation. With parliamentary elections on the horizon, no leader in Jerusalem is a dove concerning Iran.
    US officials fear that an attack would trigger violent repercussions, most notably a wider regional conflict that would inevitably force the entry of American troops.
    In her interview with Fox News' Greta van Susteren last night, Sarah Palin appeared to claim that the US needs to "win" the non-existent war with Iran.
    A president is definitely most powerful when he is a lame duck who is ceding power to an opposing party.
    If you are the outgoing president, or a member of the outgoing administration, you are thinking one thing: if Obama wins, November and December would be ideal time to attack Iran.
    America should take a chance and make Barack Obama the next leader of the free world.
    Americans can make history this week. They should put aside their doubts and take the risk.
    The prospect of an African American president is bringing the nation's white supremacists out of the shadows — and, along with them, some subtler versions of racialist populism.
    The economy, taxes and America's image are hot-button issues for US expats in Germany.
    But even Republicans are now going Democrat for a far more compelling reason: Fear that Sarah Palin could become president.
    Some find America fascinating, others abhor it, but virtually no one feels indifferent about the superpower. For months, the question of who will become the next president has riveted people around the globe. He will inherit responsibility for a country whose global reputation is battered.
    Never in living memory has a US election been more polarised, nor the outcome more critical not only for America, but also for the rest of the world.
    Whatever happens, the future looks bleak, volatile and dangerous.
    It is only prudent to pose the question: "Will the vote in the 2008 American presidential election restore credibility to our status as a 'democracy?'"
    However, the answer is already clear -- "No."
    The GOP's actions, which range from filing lawsuits to partisan orders by Republicans who oversee their state elections, are concentrated in 14 swing states.
    The faithful are busy as election day nears. Religious Americans from across the political spectrum are appealing to a higher power on the candidates' behalf.
    Reconciling Christian principles with present day American politics.
    In his 2 terms in the White House, President Bush has presided over a precipitous fall in America's reputation around the world. History is likely to judge him a failure. Now, his successor will have to dig the US out of a deep hole.
    Some of Bush's political appointees aren't about to give up their jobs over a mere presidential election.
    Things are going to be very bad for a long time. There will be blood, from Main Street to the mall.
    Violent moves in markets are forcing investors to sell assets.
    In these turbulent times, even good days for the markets can bring ruin, since some investors will be betting on the downward trend continuing.
    In the weeks to come, we will doubtless discover that the market's latest bungee ride has made some funds violently sick.
    Don't let last week's soothing rise in US stocks lull you into a false sense of security.
    There are still plenty of nasty surprises lurking in financial markets, waiting to pounce on unsuspecting victims.
    For those who aren't prepared, Halloween could last till Christmas.
    The Fed's latest move will harm the US and, in turn, the rest of the world. And let us be in no doubt, the US is heading south fast.
    Having lowered rates to 1% and having vowed to avoid a 0% interest rate policy, the Fed now also has almost no more ammunition.
    While the markets clamor for cuts, rates this low send out a chilling signal.
    How much sub-prime is out there? Just what does the Fed really know?
    As Wall Street's subprime Ponzi scheme engulfed much of the world's economy, academics and learned journals are debating what the prestigious Council on Foreign Relations calls "the wholesale reconsideration of the capitalist model and free market economic orthodoxy."
    The long-feared capitulation of American consumers has arrived. So this looks like the beginning of a very big change in consumer behavior. And it couldn't have come at a worse time.
    Today's food and financial crises have, in tandem, triggered a new global land grab.
    "Food insecure" governments that rely on imports to feed their people are snapping up farms all over the world to outsource their own food production and escape high market prices.
    Private investors, hungry for profits in the midst of the deepening financial crisis, are eyeing overseas farms as an important new source of revenue.
    As a result of both trends, fertile agricultural land is being swiftly privatised and consolidated by foreign companies in some of the world's poorest and hungriest countries.
I told ya so! Goodbye NWO, hello OWO...
    The pivot of 2008 turned on Aug. 7 and Oct. 11. The events are connected only in their consequences.
    Each showed the weakness of international institutions and confirmed the primacy of the nation-state, or more precisely, the nation and the state.
    The Russo-Georgian war raised profound questions about the future of NATO. Each member consulted its own national interest and conducted its own foreign policy.
    At this point, splits between the Europeans and Americans are taken for granted, but the splits among the Europeans are profound.
    If it was no longer possible to say that NATO functioned, it was also unclear after Aug. 8 in what sense the Europeans existed, except as individual nation-states.
    And what was demonstrated in politico-military terms in Georgia was then demonstrated in economic terms in the financial crisis.
    All of the multinational systems created after WW2 failed during the crisis. None of the systems could cope, and many broke down.
    On Oct. 11, it became clear that the G-7 could cooperate, but not through unified action. On Oct. 12, when the Europeans held their eurozone summit, it became clear that they would only act as individual nations.
    The problem with the European Union is that it was an institution designed to manage prosperity. When it confronted serious adversity, however, it froze, devolving power to the component states.
    In the end, power did not reside with Europe, but rather with its individual countries. It wasn't Brussels that was implementing decisions made in Strasbourg; the centers of power were in Paris, London, Rome, Berlin and the other capitals of Europe.
    Power devolved back to the states that governed nations. Or, to be more precise, the twin crises revealed that power had never left there.
    Clearly, the world has pivoted toward the nation-state as the prime actor and away from transnational and subnational groups.
    The nation-state has roared back to life after it had seemed to be drifting into irrelevance.
    The year 2008 has therefore seen 2 things.
    First, and probably most important, it resurrected the nation-state and shifted the global balance between the state and business.
    Second, it redefined the global geopolitical system, opening the door to a resurgence of Russian power and revealing the underlying fragmentation of Europe and weaknesses of NATO.
    The most important manifestation of this is Europe.
    In the face of Russian power, there is no united European position.
    In the face of the financial crisis, the Europeans coordinate, but they do not act as one.
    After the summer of 2008, it is no longer fair to talk [or "prophesy"] about Europe as a single entity, about NATO as a fully functioning alliance, or about a world in which the nation-state is obsolete.
    The nation-state was the only institution that worked.
    What will remain is a new international system in which the Russian question — followed by THE GERMAN QUESTION — is once again at the center of things, and in which states act with confidence in shaping the economic and business environment for better or worse.
    The world is a very different place from what it was in the spring of 2008. Or, to be more precise, it is a much more traditional place than many thought.
    It is A WORLD OF NATIONS PURSUING THEIR OWN INTERESTS and collaborating where they choose. Those interests are economic, political and military, and they are part of a single fabric.
    The illusion of multilateralism was not put to rest — it will never die — but it was certainly put to bed.
    It is a world we can readily recognize from history.
    [WAR: As my long-time readers know, I've been saying this for years!: The "New World Order" would die before it came to complete fruition, there would never be a "one-world government," and history would repeat itself -- the Old World Order would return. (Hence the name of my previous newsletter, The Weekly Old World Order Watch & Opinion.)
    Yahshua himself clearly indicated this when he said that "Nation will rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom." (Mark 13:8 / Mat 24:7 / Luke 21:10).
    And when the European Union finally collapses, then all the "prophets" will be exposed for what they are: false prophets leading the people astray!
    Then when the suit-wearing false prophets' nakedness is exposed, that'll open the door for the much-anticipated arrival of the 2 sackclolth-wearing true prophets...]
    During the time it takes you to read this article, something will happen high overhead that until recently many scientists didn't believe in.
    A magnetic portal will open, linking Earth to the Sun 93 million miles away.
    Tons of high-energy particles may flow through the opening before it closes again, around the time you reach the end of the page.
    A 3,000 year old scrap of pottery has been hailed as the first archeological evidence the biblical King David did exist.
    Not to bore you with all the details of the how's and why's, here's my situation:
    My rent was due yesterday -- but because of being recently unemployed and not being fully compensated for previous work done during this past year, I don't have the funds to pay it.
    When the landlord-from-hell called yesterday about the rent and was told about the situation, all he did was yell, cuss-up-a-storm and threaten to shut the water off -- and that was just on the day it was due! (And this is just my 2nd month here.)
    So if anyone has the ability and would like to chip-in to keep The Daily WAR going, it would be much appreciated by me and the other readers.
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    The Daily WAR
    2718 North Starview Way
    Cochise, AZ  85606

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