
The Daily WAR (12-11)

Reading between the lines, and thinking outside the box . . .
War or just rumor of war?...
Warmongering propaganda...
    The Bank of England may have averted a catastrophe. If ever there was a time when this country needed its own monetary authorities – acting with wartime urgency – this is the moment.
    Those nations with fossilised or timid central banks clinging to outdated ideologies are not so lucky.
    Even less lucky are those such as Spain and Ireland that have surrendered policy to a body that is deaf to their pleas and constitutionally obliged to ignore the welfare of their particular societies. They face crucifixion.
    The task at hand is to hold our societies together as best we can.
    The ECB has cut rates to 1.5%. The Bundesbank is blocking any serious move towards quantitative easing.
    Given that Germany's economy is implodingone wonders if the Bundesbank would be less hawkish if the D-mark still existed.
    So has monetary policy in euroland been paralysed by squabbles at a calamitous moment, blighting every member state? Almost certainly.
    [WAR: Ambrose brings up a good question about Buba and the D-mark. And I believe the answer is that they want the euro to collapse so that they can bring back the D-mark -- in order to regain sovereignty over their own economy
     In an e-mail to Ambrose, I reminded him about how good Germany is at causing things to collapse to suit their own agenda -- like they did to the federal building in OKC (see The BND in OKC?!), which he eventually found out.]

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